Vertical profiles of temperature, wind, humidity, given by radiosonde, between ground and explosing level of the balloon (20 - 30 km). Data available from TEMP messages, from Global Telecommunication System of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). This mesures are produced every day by about 10 french stations Réunion and Tromelin - avalaible for 5 last days - Once or twice a day (0Z and 12Z GMT) - ASCII Format
Monthly normals from Régional climatological network of Worl Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The period is 1981-2010. Réunion and other Islands - Monthly frequency - ASCII Format
Monthly Climatologic data from Régional climatological network of Worl Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Reunion and other Islands - avaliable since january 1990 - Monthly frequency - ASCII Format
Instrumentation in river. The parameters are the following ones: - water level (available) - Temperature (available) - Conductivity (to set up) - Turbidity (available) - pH / dissolved oxygen / Potential oxydo-reduction (to set up) Laboratoire Géosciences Réunion – IPGP
Weekly and monthly physico-chemical water samples of "Rivière des Pluies" watershed, Reunion Island
Data observation coded in SYNOP code (Surface Observation) available on Global Telecommunication system of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Mesured atmospheric parameters (Temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed, pressure, precipitation) or observed parameters from surface (weather condition, cloud coverage and type, visibilty). According to local specificities, other parametres could be avaliable (Snow, etc..) Reunion and others Islands (Tromelin) - available for 5 last days - 3h frequency - ASCII Format
The national multidisciplinary RECOPESCA programme is a collaboration between volunteer fishermen and scientists for the automated collection of geolocated physical and fisheries environmental data from the coastal domain. The principle consists of installing sensors on gear to measure environmental parameters, from the surface to the bottom, and to record detailed data on fishing activity and effort. The data acquired feeds the operational coastal oceanography database (coastal component of Coriolis) and the fisheries database of the SIH (Harmonie). The programme thus responds to research issues (physical and fisheries), the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries, support for public policies (DCSMM, DCF, CMEMS) and Ifremer's innovation in the coastal field.