Elevational Transect on the West side of the Piton des Neiges. Implementation of small permanents plots every 200 m of height between 750 and 2350 m. Differents biotics and abiotics parameters are observed on plots: - Climatic variables (T, RH) - Physico-chemical analyses of grounds - Inventories of vegetation, arthropods
Elevational Transect on the East side of the Piton des Neiges. Implementation of small permanents plots every 200 m of height between 350 m and 2950 m. Differents biotics and abiotics parameters are observed on plots: - Climatic variables (T, RH) - Physico-chemical analyses of grounds - Vegetation and arthropods inventories...
Climatic data from the meteorological station of Mare Longue (primary forest, 300m of elevation) UMR PVBMT
Climatological data from the meteo station of Piton Fougeres (alt.1300 m), Reunion Island - Air temperature - Air relative humidity - Soil temperature - Soil humidity - Leaf wetness sensor - Pluviometry - Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)