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  • Litto3D is a unique and continuous land-sea database which can provide 3D models of the shape and location of French coastal terrain. A line separates sea and land data acquisition zones, and the associated survey readings obtained using bathymetric lidar technologies or multibeam echosounders for sea readings and airborne lidar topographical surveys for land readings, with 300 m overlap. Litto3D digital models are available in two formats: a set of 3D points and a qualified terrain mesh.

  • The bathymetric DEM for the coasts of La Réunion with a resolution of 0.001° (~ 100 m) was prepared as part of the HOMONIM project. The DEM covers the entire Reunion island. The model ranges off-shore to a depth of 4000 m. The DEM is designed to be used in hydrodynamic models in order to produce high-precision forecasts for coastal water levels and sea conditions and therefore improve the pertinence of the Waves-Submersion monitoring programme.

  • Bathymetric and topographic model of the island of La Réunion. Topography is from IGN data. Bathymetry is derived from the multibeam data acquired during the campaigns Forever (2006, EM12D sounder) Eroder1 (2006, EM120 sounder) and Eroder2 (2007, EM120 sounder). The grid spacing is 300m.

  • The coastline or shoreline is the geographical boundary between sea and land. It corresponds according to the SHOM to "the leash of the highest seas in the context of an astronomical tide of coefficient 120 and under normal weather conditions (without overcost phenomenon). The coastline as defined above is not directly identifiable continuously on the ground or on a satellite or aerial image. From a perspective of studying the displacement of the shoreline, indicators allow us to approach this notion (the vegetation limit associated with the infrastructure limit, the beach limit, etc.). On the reef shoreline of Reunion Island the limit of vegetation and infrastructure as well as beach limit were retained. This limit results in the production of a line-type vector geographic information layer in a GIS resulting from photo-interpolation on the orthophotos of IGN also called BD ORTHO. BD ORTHO is a component of the RGE®. These are digital color orthophotos supplied in raster format (tiff, ecw, ..). An orthophotography is a digital image that has the same metrics as a map of the same projection for the same elements on the ground. They have been available since 1997 in Réunion with a five-year repeatability. Their spatial resolution increased from 1 m in 1997 to 50 cm in 2003. UMR Espace-Dev

  • The coastline or shoreline is the geographical boundary between sea and land. It corresponds according to the SHOM to "the leash of the highest seas in the context of an astronomical tide of coefficient 120 and under normal weather conditions (without overcost phenomenon). The coastline as defined above is not directly identifiable continuously on the ground or on a satellite or aerial image. From a perspective of studying the displacement of the shoreline, indicators allow us to approach this notion (the vegetation limit associated with the infrastructure limit, the beach limit, etc.). On the reef shoreline of Reunion Island the limit of vegetation and infrastructure as well as beach limit were retained. This limit results in the production of a line-type vector geographic information layer in a GIS resulting from the photo-interpolation on Pléiades satellite images. Pleiades satellite images from the Kalideos Réunion database (CNES) have been used since 2016 to study the position of the shoreline annually. Launched in 2011, Pléiades is a very high spatial resolution spatial image system (panchromatic optical instrument at 70 cm and 2.8 m multispectral) operating in the visible and near infrared with a swath of 20 km UMR Espace-Dev

  • The beach profile is a sectional representation of its topography. The beach topography and its dynamics (by beach profile or transect approach) is illustrated by the acquisition of altimetry data along a fixed profile. 22 profiles are regularly monitored on the reef coast of Reunion Island: 2 profiles per year before the swell seasons of summer and austral winter; the impact of the events of strong swells (cyclones, southern swells) is systematically measured on the labeled Dynalit sites and more sporadically on the other sites. The methodology deployed locally since 2012 involves two Topcon Hiper II receivers (base and mobile) and one Topcon FC-250 controller (field notebook).

  • Bathymetry in the North Atlantic Ocean, with a 1/8 arcminute grid spacing. This dataset consists of a bathymetric Digital Terrain Model (DTM), derived from the EM122 multibeam echosounder (12kHz) data of the R/V Marion Dufresne. The data acquisition is carried out in an opportunity mode during the ship's transit. Vertical reference: observed sea level. Cruise description : LOUBRIEU Benoit, ESCARTIN Javier (2022) TV_LPTSIN 2022 cruise, RV Marion Dufresne,

  • Bathymetry in the Indian and North Atlantic Oceans, with a 1/8 arcminute grid spacing. This dataset consists of a bathymetric Digital Terrain Model (DTM), derived from the EM122 multibeam echosounder (12kHz) data of the R/V Marion Dufresne. The data acquisition is carried out in an opportunity mode during the ship's transit. Vertical reference: observed sea level. Cruise description : LOUBRIEU Benoit, ESCARTIN Javier (2023) TV_LPTBGI 2023 cruise, RV Marion Dufresne,

  • Elevational Transect on the West side of the Piton des Neiges. Implementation of small permanents plots every 200 m of height between 750 and 2350 m. Differents biotics and abiotics parameters are observed on plots: - Climatic variables (T, RH) - Physico-chemical analyses of grounds - Inventories of vegetation, arthropods

  • Elevational Transect on the East side of the Piton des Neiges. Implementation of small permanents plots every 200 m of height between 350 m and 2950 m. Differents biotics and abiotics parameters are observed on plots: - Climatic variables (T, RH) - Physico-chemical analyses of grounds - Vegetation and arthropods inventories...