La majorité des données sont accessibles en libre téléchargement dans différents formats SIG (SHAPE, TAB, MIF/MID, KML) et dans diverses projections (le système légal pour La Réunion est le système RGR92 associé à la projection UTM fuseau 40 Sud). Le lien qui se trouve dans la fiche de service vous permet d’accéder au catalogue des cartes et des flux WMS/WFS proposés par la DEAL Réunion
Service WMS proposé par le catalogue de métadonnées géographique PEIGEO.
The service allows to download monthly normals from Regional climatological network of Worl Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The period is 1981-2010. Réunion and other Islands - Monthly frequency - ASCII Format
The service allows to download monthly Climatologic data from Regional climatological network of Worl Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Reunion and other Islands - avaliable since january 1990 - Monthly frequency - ASCII Format
The service allows the visualization of Monthly Climatologic data from Régional climatological network of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Reunion and other islands - available since january 1990 - Monthly frequency - ASCII Format
The service allows the visualization of observation data coded in SYNOP code (Surface Observation) available on Global Telecommunication system of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Mesured atmospheric parameters (Temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed, pressure, precipitation) or observed parameters from surface (weather condition, cloud coverage and type, visibilty). According to local specificities, other parametres could be avaliable (Snow, etc..) Reunion - available for 5 last days - 3h frequency
The service allows the visualization as maps of data from vertical profiles of temperature, wind, humidity, given by radiosonde, between ground and explosing level of the balloon (20 - 30 km). Data available from TEMP messages, from Global Telecommunication System of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). This mesures are produced every day by about 10 french stations Réunion and Tromelin - avalaible for 5 last days - Once or twice a day (0Z and 12Z GMT)
The service allows the visualization of Monthly normals from Régional climatological network of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The period is 1981-2010. Reunion and other islands - Monthly frequency - ASCII Format
Service WFS - Partie des Etablissements ouverts du répertoire Finess géolocalisés par la BD Adresse pour la Réunion. Catégorie Finess 4300 - Etab. et Serv. pour Adultes Handicapés